Saturday, February 28, 2009


在生活里,每个人总是会拥有‘自私‘的一面只是在于多或少而已。。。。。。当然也不排除包括我在内。。。在这两年的大学生活里,我尝试过在一个团体或活动进入不同的小组去帮忙就像宣传,招待,技术。。。但在每个活动里到底怎么样才算成功呢??当然最重要的是能顺利的把所有演出完成。。。第二非观众的出席为标准啦 !如果没观众就等于没人欣赏=失败了一部分。。。到底是那活动缺少了宣传还是节目不够精彩所以吸引到人??在华裔团体(敦华)的大多节目都会有许多不同种族的朋友参与所以还算成功。。。但在其他异族的活动就好像印度同胞的sinaran budaya,参与的华人来来去去好像只是同样的几个人有总比没有好。另外再看看最近马来同胞所举办的Battle of the band,当天出席的观众还算慢多但是其他种族 有多少人呢??据我观察全场应该是超过了99%是马来人。。。到底 是为什么呢??难道是他们所举办的活动不够吸引?还是那活动被人为是马来人的所以没什么特别或一定很闷?有谁知?每当我们举办活动总是想尽办法去叫其他种族参与但当其他种族举办时为什么我们不尝试去参与别人的活动?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day.....on 14 FEB always celebrate by those couple & dating on that day. In the West, it is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other by sending Valentine's cards , presenting flowers, or offering confectionery. Have you all tried before?? Me?? Jz kept as a secret here. My course mate here mostly are Chinese guy and still single & available so they plan to have a BBQ at a friend rental housing (tmn waja). For those got gf but still will join the party because their hometown is too far for them to going beck so just stay there together to celebrate it…It really a guy party because no even 1 girls there…..but is not gay party ya…... P All of us busy preparing from 7-8pm. After that only can eat, really hungry lo…comes on….let’s eat….

there are a lot of nice foods and drinks….included this:

This is the tai ko of the house, Alex……

look quite serious……haha…..

You know what they doing there? Try t guess ba……

is gambling o….

I just stay in my friend room to online because uthm wifi really 'tak boleh pakai'.......
Some of them taking photo after that….and dismiss lo….

I’m thinking how will I celebrate valentine's day with my gf??

But still no chance for temporary….maybe future….